Yuvajana Sramika Rythu (YSR) Congress Party chief and former Chief Minister Yeduguri Sandinti Jagan Mohan Reddy is facing intense scrutiny following the release of images showcasing his luxurious sea-facing residence in Visakhapatnam (Vizag). The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has accused Reddy of corruption and misgovernance, particularly in light of the state’s precarious financial condition.
The estate, often referred to as the Rushikonda palace, spans a 9.88-acre sea-facing site and includes twelve bedrooms with a total built-up area of 1,41,433 square meters. The Jagan government reportedly spent Rs 407 crore of the anticipated Rs 452 crore on the project, which involved significant alterations to the Rushikonda hills to accommodate three mansions. Some of the lavish features include 480 square feet washrooms, 7,266 square meter meeting halls, imported marble, expensive chandeliers, a home theatre, and central air conditioning throughout the complex.
TDP’s Allegations
The TDP has been vocal in its criticism of the YSR Congress, highlighting the extravagant expenditure amid the state’s financial woes. TDP leaders visited the site and shared images on social media, criticizing the Jagan government for prioritizing luxury over public welfare. Ganta Srinivasa Rao, a TDP MLA, likened the palace to those of infamous figures like Saddam Hussein, questioning the necessity and transparency of such an opulent construction.
The TDP pointed out that the state government had destroyed profitable tourist resorts in Rushikonda, which generated significant revenue, to make way for the palace. They accused the YSR Congress of misleading the public by initially presenting the project as a five-star hotel, then as a Chief Minister’s camp office, and finally as a tourism initiative.
Environmental and Legal Concerns
Environmentalists and campaigners have raised alarms over the construction, citing violations of Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) rules. Former bureaucrats and activists have written to the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MEFCC) demanding accountability and reversal of the CRZ clearance. They argue that the construction has caused significant ecological damage to the Rushikonda hill terrain.
YSR Congress’s Defense
The YSR Congress has defended the project, stating that the buildings are government assets intended to promote tourism in Visakhapatnam. They argue that the structures are meant to host dignitaries and are not private properties of Jagan Mohan Reddy. The party claims that the construction was necessary due to the lack of suitable facilities for high-profile visitors in the city.
Future Uncertain
With the change in state administration following recent assembly elections, the future of the new buildings on Rushikonda Hill remains uncertain. The TDP has indicated that decisions regarding the use of the structures will be made following further inspections and assessments by the new Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu and his team.
The controversy continues to fuel political debates and social media discussions, highlighting the tension between development, governance, and environmental conservation in Andhra Pradesh.
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