In a surprising turn of events, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has accused the Tamil Nadu government of imposing a ban on the live telecast of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir events scheduled for January 22. The allegations also extend to restrictions on puja activities for Lord Ram in temples administered by the state. The Tamil Nadu government vehemently denies these claims, attributing them to ulterior motives.
Ban on Live Telecast:
Sitharaman took to social media to express her concerns about the alleged ban on live telecast of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir events in Tamil Nadu. According to her, over 200 temples in the state are affected, with restrictions imposed by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department.
Temple Restrictions:
The Finance Minister claims that temples under HR&CE management are prohibited from conducting puja, bhajan, prasadam distribution, and annadanam in the name of Shri Ram on the day of the consecration. She condemns these actions as anti-Hindu and accuses the government of intimidating organizers of privately held temple events.
Alleged Intimidation Tactics:
Sitharaman alleges that individuals in various parts of Tamil Nadu are facing threats for organizing traditional celebrations during the Ayodhya Ram Mandir events. She attributes these actions to the DMK party, a key partner in the I.N.D.I Alliance, accusing them of anti-Hindu efforts.
Response from Tamil Nadu Government:
In response, Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Minister, P K Sekar Babu, denies the accusations, stating there is no ban on conducting puja for Lord Ram. He emphasizes that temples are free to distribute ‘Annadhanam’ (food) and ‘Prasadam’ (sacred offerings). Babu dismisses the allegations as a rumor intended to divert attention from a DMK youth wing conference in Salem.
Law and Order Justification:
Sitharaman challenges the Tamil Nadu government’s explanation of law and order issues justifying the live telecast ban. She argues that there were no such issues on the day of the Ayodhya verdict or when PM Narendra Modi laid the foundation, questioning the credibility of the claims.
The controversy surrounding the Ayodhya Ram Mandir celebrations in Tamil Nadu reflects the intersection of religious sentiments and political narratives. As the situation unfolds, it underscores the importance of transparent communication and fact-checking to maintain social harmony during such significant events. The conflicting statements from political figures highlight the need for a thorough investigation to discern the truth behind these allegations.
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[…] response to the alleged restrictions, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman criticized the Tamil Nadu government, accusing it of misus…. She claimed that the police were denying permission for LED screens in a temple in Tamil Nadu for […]