In a startling development, Uttar Pradesh police have implicated former Income Tax officer Swetabh Suman in a case involving a radioactive device. His involvement has prompted swift action by authorities, leading to his imminent arrest. Simultaneously, two individuals from Saharanpur and Noida have been taken into custody for interrogation.
Last Friday, police apprehended five individuals from the Brook and Woods Society on Rajpur Road, dehradun allegedly associated with Swetabh Suman’s flat and seized a radioactive device. As investigations unfold, revelations of fraud have come to light, prompting authorities to escalate charges in the case.
The accused were aiming to profit significantly from the sale of the radioactive device, purchased by Tabrez Alam from Saharanpur’s Rashid alias Sameer for five lakh rupees. Alam transported the device to Dehradun by car, intending to finalize the deal at Swetabh Suman’s flat, where other accomplices were also summoned. Suspicion arose, leading to police intervention.
Further investigation revealed a complex web involving multiple individuals like Sumit Pathak from Vijay Nagar Agra, Tabrez Alam from Ridhi Tajpur, Saharanpur, Sarwar Hussain from Uttam Nagar, New Delhi, Jaid Ali and Abhishek Jain from Bhopal, all of whom were arrested with possession of the radioactive device at the Rajpur Road flat in Dehradun leased by Swetabh Suman.
According to Senior Superintendent of Police Ajay Singh, during interrogation, Tabrez Alam disclosed his acquaintance with Rashid, who informed him about the device’s lucrative market value. Motivated by potential profits, Alam sought to sell it at a higher price, collaborating with Pathak and Hussain. The transaction was set in motion, leading them to Dehradun for finalizing the sale.
The device has been dispatched to Mumbai’s Bhabha Atomic Research Centre for chemical analysis, as confirmed by SSP Ajay Singh. All suspects have been presented before the court and remanded to judicial custody. Swetabh Suman’s imminent arrest is anticipated pending ongoing interrogations with the detained suspects. Any further revelations from these inquiries may lead to additional arrests.
History of Swetabh Suman
Swetabh Suman, a former income tax commissioner, was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined over three crore rupees by the special CBI court judge Sujata Singh in a case related to assets more than 13 years old. The court has also attached nearly three crore rupees worth of benami properties made in Dehradun, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Ghaziabad from the central government.
Special public prosecutor of the CBI, Satish Kumar, told the court that Swetabh Suman, who served as the Joint Commissioner of Income Tax in Dehradun from 2001 to 2005, was charged with having assets more than income on August 2, 2015.
This case was filed on a confidential complaint, following which various teams of the CBI conducted simultaneous raids at 14 locations across the country two days later. The raids revealed Suman’s vast properties, which were made in Dehradun, Bodh Gaya (Bihar), Jamshedpur, and Ghaziabad.
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