In Himachal Pradesh’s Sirmaur district, tensions have flared following allegations that Javed, a Muslim youth from Uttar Pradesh, slaughtered a cow on Bakrid (17th June). Hindu rights organizations claim that Javed, who runs a garments shop in Nahan, shared a picture of the slaughtered cow on his WhatsApp status, sparking outrage and protests.
Incident Details:
Javed, originally from Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh, has been operating a ready-made garments shop in Nahan for the past 1.5 years. On Bakrid, he allegedly shared images on his WhatsApp status of an animal sacrifice. The photos showed Javed smiling with a knife near the slaughtered animal, accompanied by other individuals.
Hindu rights organizations assert that the slaughtered animal was a cow, an act that is highly offensive to the Hindu community. In response, they staged a protest outside Javed’s shop, demanding strict action and asserting that Javed should never be allowed to work in Nahan again. There are reports that some participants in the protest turned violent, and a larger rally has been planned by Hindu organizations.
Current Situation:
Since the incident, Javed has gone into hiding, and the police are actively searching for him. A complaint has been filed by Hindu organizations, and the police are investigating the matter. According to the SHO of Nahan police station, it is still unclear whether the sacrifice took place in Nahan and what type of animal was involved. However, the local community is reportedly outraged by Javed’s alleged actions.
Community Reactions:
A video of the protest, purportedly taken by Hindu organizations, has gone viral, showing a large crowd gathered in front of Javed’s shop. Hindu groups are calling for stricter verification processes for individuals from other communities who come to Nahan to open shops, emphasizing that these businesses should not be established without prior approval.
A Vishwa Hindu Parishad activist has alleged that Muslim outsiders are renting shops at high rates across Himachal Pradesh, including Nahan, which he claims disrupts social harmony. He also mentioned taking action against Javed in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
The incident highlights ongoing communal tensions and raises questions about the social dynamics and regulatory practices in the region. As investigations continue, the local authorities are under pressure to address the concerns of both the Hindu organizations and the broader community.
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