On Tuesday evening, a devastating stampede occurred during a religious gathering in Hathras district, Uttar Pradesh, resulting in the deaths of at least 116 people and injuries to many more. The incident took place in a village where a large crowd had assembled to hear a sermon by popular preacher Narayan Saakar Hari, also known as ‘Bhole Baba’.
The tragedy unfolded as attendees were exiting the venue. A sudden dust storm reportedly blinded their vision, causing panic and chaos. Chaitra V., the divisional commissioner of Aligarh city, described the incident to AFP, emphasizing how the storm contributed to the melee that led to the stampede.
An eyewitness offered a different perspective, suggesting that the rush among Bhole Baba’s followers to collect “raj” (dust) over which the preacher’s vehicle had passed was the primary cause of the stampede. This rush led to people being crushed or trampled, with some falling into a roadside drain.
Ambulances quickly transported the injured to nearby hospitals. Outside Sikandrarao hospital in Hathras district and the mortuary in the town of Etah, distraught relatives gathered, mourning their loved ones and seeking information.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed his condolences and instructed district officials to ensure prompt medical attention for the injured and to expedite relief efforts. His directive underscores the urgency and importance of managing the aftermath of such tragic events.
Deadly incidents at religious gatherings are unfortunately common in India, often due to poor crowd management and safety lapses. Some notable past incidents include:
- In 2016, 112 people were killed in Kerala after a banned fireworks display caused a massive explosion at a temple.
- In 2013, a stampede at a bridge near a temple in Madhya Pradesh resulted in 115 deaths.
- In 2008, 224 pilgrims were killed and over 400 injured in a stampede at a hilltop temple in Jodhpur.
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